Tuesdays/Thursdays 11am-12:15pm | SRC 250

Instructor: Michael D. Lee | Email : mdlee@uncg.edu

Office: 220 G | Office Hours: By Appointment

REMEMBER: To get into the Student Recreation Center you MUST have your Student ID with you. 

For Whom Planned: 

General university students seeking a studio experience course in dance that fulfills General Education Core (GEC) requirements in the Fine Arts.

Credits: 3:3 | Prerequisites: None

Course Description: 

Introduction to the basic concepts and principles of modern/post-modern dance through readings, studio experiences, discussions, written work, and concert attendance.

Course Objectives: 

This course provides students with a clear introduction to, and daily practice in, foundational skills and concepts of modern/post-modern dance. The primary objective of this course is to introduce students to the aesthetic and practical sensibilities inherent in modern dance, based on the notion that modern dance embodies a way of moving, thinking, feeling, and being in the world that is unique to this art form. Reading and writing assignments engage students in the study of key historical and contemporary ideas about dance creation and performance. In this course students are constantly active in forming and in sharing opinions (both in language and movement imagery), and in respectfully listening to and considering the perspectives of others.

Student Learning Outcomes: 

Upon successful completion, students will be able to...

    1. Describe, compare and perform a diverse range of basic dance movement techniques;

        Relates to GFA SLOs 1, 3

    2. Create short dance works for performance using dance creation and performance techniques studies through reading and discussion, and practiced in class;

        Relates to GFA SLOs 1, 2 and 3 

    3. Interpret artistic, social, and cultural meanings and values as expressed in dance works.

        Relates to GFA SLOs 1, 2 and 3*

        *General Education Fine Arts (GFA) Student Learning Outcomes

        SLO 1 Describe the aims and methods of aesthetic and intellectual expression in the creative arts

        SLO 2 Describe and interpret art forms in relation to cultural values

        SLO 3 Identify the fundamental roles of artistic expression in personal or collective experience

Teaching Strategies:

To enable student achievement of the learning goals, I will:

  1. Offer direct studio and site-specific experiences in dance technique, improvisation, composition and repertory.
  2. Assign readings about the history of key modern/post-modern dance artists to provide cultural and aesthetic perspective on this art form.
  3. Guide students their viewing of live modern dance events and videos of the form, and facilitate discussions about these experiences.
  4. Give prompts for written work which will describe, analyze and interpret the dance performances observed.
  5. Give prompts for written reflections, so that students may further investigate their findings and experiences of modern/post-modern dance.

Class Policies:

Attendance Policy:

Department Attendance policy:

Students are expected to attend every class.  All excused absences are at the discretion of the instructor.  The Dance Department requires an 80% participation rate to pass the course. Sitting and watching a class does not count as participation. Students who do not meet the participation requirement for any reason may need to repeat the course.

Department outreach activities are counted as excused absences if the student meets the outreach participation requirements.  

Faculty Attendance Policy:

You are allowed two absences regardless of the reason. For each unexcused absence over the number allowed, the final grade will drop 1/3 of a letter (for example, from an A- to a B+).  In the case of temporary injury or non-contagious illness, you may still be counted as present if you attend class and record specific notes about what you observe.  (Note that this will NOT count as a day of participation in the class, and ONLY TWO (2) OBSERVATION DAYS ARE ALLOWED.)  Situations such as serious illness, long-term injury, or family emergencies may be dealt with on an individual basis.  In some cases, I may recommend withdrawal from the course.

Injured Student Policy

Students whose injuries affect the 80% Participation Policy are advised to undertake one of the following options:

1. Take an incomplete in the course. PLEASE NOTE: Students considering this option should check their Financial Aid Criteria before taking an incomplete.  2. Request a Medical Withdrawal. 

3. Withdraw from the class.  80% course participation is required to receive a grade in the course.  

Performance Participation Guidelines for Dance Majors

Student performers are encouraged to consider their academic and work schedules in accepting performance invitations. Student performers are generally expected to limit their participation to 2 department productions per term. Composition class rehearsals and special short-term guest artist opportunities are not included as department productions.

Performance opportunities within the Department are part of the curricular experience offered by the Dance Program. Any student wishing to participate in a department production is expected to maintain regular attendance and engagement in all classes throughout the performance production process. Students with excessive absences or poor academic reports (e.g. any student flagged for concern in Starfish) may be removed from department performance opportunities until the next semester or until work in other classes shows improvement.

Exceptions to these guidelines may be made at faculty discretion.  Faculty will bring forward requests for exceptions to the full faculty for consideration.  The Department Head will monitor the implementation of these guidelines. 

Please notify instructor in writing about your faith based Religious Observances by THE SECOND WEEK OF THE SEMESTER (no later than January 22nd). Religious Observance will not be counted as an absence if you notify instructor IN ADVANCE. You are allowed one excused absence for Religious Observances during the semester.

  • Academic Honor Code:

The Academic Honor Policy, administered by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, is described in detail in the Policies for Students handbook. Students enrolled in this course are responsible for becoming familiar with and adhering to the Honor Policy in all its aspects. Students should recognize their responsibility to uphold the Honor Policy and to report apparent violations to the appropriate persons (Graduate Student Bulletin, http://www.uncg.edu/grs/bulletin/Academic_Honor_Policy.html )

  • Other Class Policies:
  • Please be ready to begin class ON TIME.
  • The appropriate dancewear is required for this course. All students must dress in comfortable clothing fit for movement. No jeans, no skirts or dresses, no short shorts, no large jewelry. Long hair must be secured off the face.
  • Always bring a notebook and pen or pencil for taking notes and completing in-class assignments.
  • Bring a positive and supportive attitude. As a member of this class you are part of a community.  The quality of your participation, including proper attire and attitude will factor in to your final grade.
  • Please come to class with your cell phone turned off. Out of respect for the learning environment and one another cell phones will not be tolerated.
  • Please no food, drink or chewing gum allowed in the classroom. You may bring a closed water bottle.
  • Please be prepared for class. You are expected to be familiar with class information posted on Blackboard and assigned readings. This will enable you to participate fully in class and will contribute to your success in the course.
  • Constructive, thoughtful participation in movement experiences and class discussion is expected of all students.
  • PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED ELECTRONICALLY.  Only assignments that state they are due on Blackboard are accepted electronically. 

Required Texts: 

There are no required texts for this course. All readings will be posted on Blackboard as “e-reserves” or “course documents.” You will be required to attend two UNCG Dance concerts, so please budget $12-25 for this course for concert tickets.

Course Outline:

This course will be taught through four basic components, which will inform each other throughout the duration of the semester.

- Improvisation: 

Various approaches to improvisation will be offered, do that the students will have the opportunity to explore and experience movement in their own ways. The study of improvisation will give students the opportunity to develop presence, awareness and responsiveness in spontaneous, “in-the-moment” composition of movement. Students will work individually and collaboratively. Improvisation will also introduce principles of self-expression, body awareness, dynamics of movement qualities, and exploration of weight, flow and time in movement.

- Technique: 

Technique will be taught to enhance the student’s understanding of some foundation of how the body moves in modern dance, and to facilitate the opportunity for students to deepen their kinesthetic awareness. Our approach to modern technique will aim to increase coordination, flexibility, range of movement qualities, strength and musicality. Ideas about how to take class, sensitivity to injury and the importance of the proprioceptive nervous system will run throughout the technique sections of class.

- Repertory:

During this segment students will rehearse and perform a short section of modern dance piece by a well-known modern dance choreographer. Through this experience, students will learn not only about the dance but also about rehearsal process and performance.

- Composition / Choreography:

This segment will introduce students to improvisational ideas that lead to movement invention, and to compositional techniques that can be used to set material from improvisation.

Assignments and Grading: Out of 1000 points

- Concert Responses: 20 % of final grade - 200 points

You will be required to see two UNCG dance concerts during the semester. You will chose any two UNCG Dance concert of your choice. For both you will write a 3-4 page response to each concert, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced (10 %). Turn in your papers one week after you attend the concert you choose. You must notify me within the first TWO WEEKS of classes if you have a conflict. The Concert Essay Outline will be under Course Documents on Blackboard. I will not accept email submissions.

- Blackboard Discussions, Reading Responses & Reflection Papers: 20 % of final grade - 200 points

Assignments posted on Blackboard will consist of reading responses, discussion board posts, short reflection papers which are aimed to provide you will information about the history and development of modern dance and to inspire deeper thinking about related aesthetic, cultural and social issues. The readings are listed in the course calendar, along with the dates that each response is due. These will be graded predominantly on content, depth of thought and ability to connect the readings to other aspects of class. The quality of your writing (grammar, flow, punctuation, etc.) will also affect your grade. Please proofread. For each reading assigned there will be a in-class quiz correlating to the day it is due for class. You will be allowed to use any notes taken on reading for the quiz, not the actual reading themselves.

- Improvisation Project: 10 % of final grade - 100 points

We will be examining various forms of improvisation. You will be creating a group collaborative improvisational score and performing it for the class. This project will require outside rehearsal. Guidelines will be posted under Course Documents on Blackboard.

- Repertory Project: 20 % of final grade - 200 points

You will learn how to embody and perform movement by learning a small section of work which is TBD. There will also be a reflective paper for completion of the project.

- Group Choreography Project: 20 % of final grade 200 points

Students will work collaboratively and will be given class time to create choreography. This project will require outside rehearsal. In-class presentation of group’s choreography (including an oral introduction/presentation) will be expected on the designated due date. This project has an option to present as an on-campus site specific which will be discussed in class, closer to the due date.  Full Project description posted on Blackboard under Course Documents. 

- Active Participation and In-Class Assignments / Explorations: 10 % of final grade 100 points

Your work in class will take many forms - moving, writing, creating, talking, collaborating, reflecting, exploring, leading, following, etc. Your consistent attendance, your willingness and ability to collaborate with other students, and your demonstration of increased skill, awareness and understanding will be evaluated on a regular basis. Fully engaged participation and an open approach to new experiences is essential to this course, including your engagement and contributions to discussions and an openness to diverse points of view.

Extra Credit:

A maximum of 20 extra credit points will be given to those who attend extra UNCG Dance Concerts. 10 point per concert - 20 maximum. If you go to an extra concert, you will need to keep the ticket and program stapled with your name clearly written, and extra credit written somewhere visible. All extra credit will be handed in one week after the concert you choose.

Late Work:

I will not accept it. Of course there may be extenuating circumstance so please contact me if you foresee late work. 

Grading Scale:

97-100 % = A+        83-86 % = B            70-72 % = C-

93-96 %   = A            80-82 % = B-            67-69 % = D+

90-92 %   = A-            77-79 % = C+            63-66 % = D

87-89 %   = B+        73-76 % = C            60-62 % = D-

                                59 and below = F

Course Calendar (Subject to Change):

- January 13th Tuesday - Course Introduction and Icebreaker Movement Activity

- January 15th Thursday - Technique        - Discussion and Studio Practice

DUE (in class): Monopolizing the Conversation - Charles Derber

- January 20th Tuesday - Technique        - Studio Practice

DUE (by class time): Discussion Board # 1.  

- January 22nd Thursday - Technique Meet in different room: TBA    - Watching Dance

DUE (in class): Movement Observation Guidelines - Deidre Sklar http://lodev.wesleyan.edu/wespress/acceleratedmotion/primary_sources/texts/ecologiesofbeauty/movement_observation.pdf


DUE (in class:) Watch Ted Talks: Dance vs. PowerPoint - A Modest Proposal with John Bohannon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlDWRZ7IYqw 

Be prepared to complete an in-class activity utilizing the reading in relation to the Dance film.

- January 27th Tuesday - Technique        - Studio Practice

- January 29th Thursday - Technique        - Studio Practice

- February 3rd Tuesday - Improvisation     - Discussion and Studio Practice

DUE (in class): Improvisation in Dance - Curtis L. Carter on Blackboard/Canvas

- February 5th Thursday - Improvisation     - Class Site Improvisation

DUE (in class): Energy Sculpting - Kirstie Simson  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hyjs0LplIdY 

- February 10th Tuesday - Improvisation     - Studio Practice 

DUE (in class): Improvisation Techniques by Street Dancers - Banzay, Bochrock, Popin Pete.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9F49Mym9beQ 

- February 12th Thursday - Improvisation    - Group collaborative project

- February 17th Tuesday - Improvisation    - Group collaborative project

- February 19th Thursday - Improvisation    - Group collaborative project

- February 24th Tuesday - Improvisation    - Perform Group collaborative project 

February 26th Thursday - Repertory     - Studio Practice/Discussion Day

DUE (in class): Reflective Essay on Improvisation Section

DUE (in class): The History of Modern Dance - Ballet Austin (on Blackboard/Canvas)

- March 3rd Tuesday - Repertory        - Studio Practice

- March 5th Thursday - Repertory         - Studio Practice

DUE (by class): Discussion Board # 2. Responds to 2 other classmates reflections DUE by March 10th 11:59pm 

- March 10th Tuesday - Repertory        No Class due to Spring Break 

- March 12th Thursday - Repertory        No Class due to Spring Break

- March 17th Tuesday - Repertory        - Studio Practice

- March 19th Thursday - Repertory        - Start Group Projects

- March 24th Tuesday - Repertory        - Repertory Group Work Day

- March 26th Thursday - Repertory        - Repertory Group Work Day

- March 31st Tuesday - Repertory        - Perform Repertory Group Projects

- April 2nd Thursday - Choreography     - Elements & Tools

DUE (in class): Reflective Essay on Repertory Section

- April 7th Tuesday - Choreography    - Elements & Tools

DUE (in class): Knowing through dance-making: Choreography, practical knowledge and practice-as-research - Anna Pakes. On Blackboard/Canvas

- April 9th Thursday - Choreography - Choreography    - Studio Practice

DUE (in class): Watch Wayne McGregor: A Choreographer’s Creative Process in Real Time http://www.ted.com/talks/wayne_mcgregor_a_choreographer_s_creative_process_in_real_time.html?source=facebook#.UF9x9c8qMux.facebook

- April 14th Tuesday - Choreography     - Work Day

- April 16th Thursday - Choreography    - Work Day

DUE (in class): Doug Elkins Concert Response Paper.

- April 21st Tuesday - Choreography     - Work Day

- April 23rd Thursday - Choreography    - Showing        - Last day of Class

DUE (by class): Discussion Board #3.

DUE (by class): Creative Process Paper.  

- May 1st Thursday Noon-3pm         -Conferences Available / Dance Day if Desired

DUE (By Email Submission by beginning of Final Exam Time): Reflection Essay on Choreography

Approved Dance Concert Calendar:

January 16th, Friday 8pm - Aycock Auditorium - SITI Company - University Performing Arts Series

February 6th & 7th, Friday and Saturday 8pm - Dance Theatre - Dance Faculty & Guests: An Evening of Dance

February 19th & 21st, Thursday 8pm, Saturday 2pm - Dance Theatre - MFA Thesis Concert: Linhyuan Zhao

February 20th & 21st, Friday and Saturday 8pm - Dance Theatre - MFA Thesis Concert: Courtney Patterson

February 26th, 27th, 28th, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 8pm - Dance Theatre - MFA Thesis Concert: Emily Aiken

March 20th & 21st, Friday and Saturday 8pm - Dance Theatre - MFA Thesis Event: Raina Cephas & Stephany Rayburn

March 22nd, Sunday 2pm - Weatherspoon Art Museum - Greensboro Dance Film Festival (This Concert/Festival is acceptable ONLY for Extra Credit. It will NOT count as one of the 2 required Concerts Essays.)

March 27th & 28th, Friday 8pm, Saturday 2pm & 8pm - 1316 Oakland Ave, Greensboro, NC. - MFA Thesis Concert: Michael Lee

April 10th & 11th, Friday and Saturday 8pm - Dance Building - MFA Thesis Concert: Danielle Kinne

April 17th & 18th, Friday 8pm, Saturday 2pm & 8pm - Dance Theatre :Spring Dances


Mondays/Wednesdays 5-6:15pm HHP 322

Instructor: Michael D. Lee | Email: mdlee@uncg.edu

Office: 220 G | Office Hours: By Appointment

Catalog Description

Development of technical skills in contemporary dance, including rhythmic perception and spatial awareness, with emphasis on aesthetic and expressive qualities that lead to performance.


None. May be repeated for credit.

Student Learning Goals:

To the degree appropriate for the beginning level of contemporary dance training, students in this course will learn to:

1. Move contra-laterally during locomotion (left/right halves in opposition).

2. Grasp and retain sequences of simple exercises and combinations.

3. Breathe appropriately and as needed while moving.

4. Anticipate the beat when required.

5. Maintain energy throughout each combination and a full class.

6. Demonstrate commitment/responsibility as appropriate in and out of class.

7. Demonstrate awareness and attention to studio/classroom procedures.

8. Demonstrate dynamic alignment—as appropriate to exercises/combinations in the class and involving awareness of center.

9. Move on the beat when required.

10. Show appropriate use of the legs as called for in an exercise/combination.

11. Show appropriate use of the feet as called for in an exercise/combination.

12. Show command of skills involving initiation of movement.

13. Show command of skills involving weight shift.

14. Avoid extraneous tension in performing simple movements such as walks, skips, etc.

15. Fulfill the time/counts given for each part of the movement.

16. Demonstrate attributes of/qualities in movement as specified.

17. Demonstrate clarity of bodyline in simple movement combinations.

18. Demonstrate clarity of spatial direction in simple movement combinations.

19. Perform set movement with confidence/full engagement.

20. Respond spontaneously to improvisational prompts, with confidence/full engagement and/or demonstrate creative spontaneity within a given technique.

These learning goals correspond with the Dance Technique Feedback Sheet (DTFS) that is used as a tool to help understand and/or assess your progress in this course. 

*Please check the UNCG Dance Department Website (www.uncg.edu/dce) under Syllabi to view the Dance Technique Feedback Sheet, definitions of skills, and the statement about alignment.

Teaching Strategies:

To enable student achievement of the learning goals, I will:

1. Provide example, explain, analyze, and lead explorations of movement exercises and combinations designed specifically to develop the skills required for achievement of the learning goals listed above.

2. Observe your daily work in class and (a) orally assess your achievement of learning goals and (b) make recommendations for improvement in achieving learning goals 1-20.*

3. Provide a written assessment of your achievement on the Dance Technique Feedback sheet at midterm and again near the end of the semester.

4. Provide opportunities for additional individual appointments and/or correspondence in which we may discuss your learning efforts.

5. Provide opportunities for you to assess and communicate your own progress toward achievement of the learning goals.

*Not every student will receive individual feedback during each class, but all students will receive individual feedback regularly throughout the course of the semester.

Evaluation Methods:

The fundamental and ongoing assignments in this class are to:

1. Attend to movement material presented, as well as to explanations and analyses of its specific components;

2. Listen carefully to and apply all corrections and recommendations for improvement that I provide to any student in class;

3. Learn the movement material as quickly as you can through observation and practice in and outside of class;

4. Perform the movement material as accurately and fully as possible each time you are called upon to do so;

5. Take an active role in creating a positive learning environment for everyone in the class.

6. Reflect in writing as assigned on your progress toward and actual achievement of the learning goals;

7. Observe other dancers as a way of helping to understand your own dancing.

I will assess your progress toward and your actual achievement of the learning goals through:

1.  Daily oral feedback to you and/or class as a whole on work done in class;

2. Oral and/or written feedback/response to your written self-assessments using the Dance Technique Feedback sheet as a tool for assessment;

3.  Quizzes and assignments: terminology and concept application;

Your achievement in mastering the learning goals to the degree appropriate for this course is determined by my perception of your personal progress throughout the semester, and as documented in the Dance Technique Feedback Sheet.  This will provide a basis for calculating your final letter grade. Your attendance record will be an additional factor in calculating your final letter grade.

Your letter grade will be determined as follows:

93-100=A    90-92=A-    87-89=B+    

83-86=B    80-82=B-    77-79=C+

73-76=C    70-72=C-    67-69=D+

63-66=D    60-62=D-    Below 60=F

Your grade will be calculated using the following formula:

1)  DAILY PARTICIPATION 50% of your grade

2)  WRITTEN SELF ASSESSMENTS 20% of your grade

3)  CONCERT REVIEW 10% of your grade

4)  GROUP PRESENTATIONS 20% of your grade

5)  ATTENDANCE--1/3 letter grade subtracted for every unexcused absence beyond the allowance for this course. (See Absences and Grades below for allowed absences and policy for makeup class. Excessive unexcused absences will result in being dropped from the course.

I will award extra credit for attending UNCG dance concerts.  You must submit a program and ticket stub to receive credit.  Additional credit will be awarded for submitting a written summary/response (no more than one page).  See the Dance Department Website for a listing of concerts.

Concert Review Paper:

You will be required to see one UNCG dance concert during the semester. For the concert you choose you will write a 3-4 page response to each concert, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced (10 %). Turn in your papers one week after you attend the concert you choose. You must notify me within the first TWO WEEKS of classes if you have a conflict. The Concert Essay Outline will be under Course Documents on Blackboard. Both Ticket Stub and Program must be attached to your paper. I will not accept email submissions.

Attendance Policy:

Department Attendance policy:

Students are expected to attend every class.  All excused absences are at the discretion of the instructor.  The Dance Department requires an 80% participation rate to pass the course. Sitting and watching a class does not count as participation. Students who do not meet the participation requirement for any reason may need to repeat the course.

Department outreach activities are counted as excused absences if the student meets the outreach participation requirements.  

Faculty Attendance Policy:

You are allowed two absences regardless of the reason. For each unexcused absence over the number allowed, the final grade will drop 1/3 of a letter (for example, from an A- to a B+).  In the case of temporary injury or non-contagious illness, you may still be counted as present if you attend class and record specific notes about what you observe.  (Note that this will NOT count as a day of participation in the class, and ONLY TWO (2) OBSERVATION DAYS ARE ALLOWED.)  Situations such as serious illness, long-term injury, or family emergencies may be dealt with on an individual basis.  In some cases, I may recommend withdrawal from the course.

Injured Student Policy

Students whose injuries affect the 80% Participation Policy are advised to undertake one of the following options:

1. Take an incomplete in the course. PLEASE NOTE: Students considering this option should check their Financial Aid Criteria before taking an incomplete.  

2. Request a Medical Withdrawal. 

3. Withdraw from the class.  80% course participation is required to receive a grade in the course.  

Performance Participation Guidelines for Dance Majors

Student performers are encouraged to consider their academic and work schedules in accepting performance invitations. Student performers are generally expected to limit their participation to 2 department productions per term.  Composition class rehearsals and special short-term guest artist opportunities are not included as department productions.

Performance opportunities within the Department are part of the curricular experience offered by the Dance Program. Any student wishing to participate in a department production is expected to maintain regular attendance and engagement in all classes throughout the performance production process. Students with excessive absences or poor academic reports (e.g. any student flagged for concern in Starfish) may be removed from department performance opportunities until the next semester or until work in other classes shows improvement.

Exceptions to these guidelines may be made at faculty discretion.  Faculty will bring forward requests for exceptions to the full faculty for consideration.  The Department Head will monitor the implementation of these guidelines. 

Make Up Class:

Students may make up ONLY ONE (1) class in another instructor’s technique class of the same level if permission is received from that instructor. I must receive a signed paper from the other instructor (you get it signed and bring it to me) indicating your participation in his or her class in order to receive make-up credit. Please see me before beginning this process. Do not wait until the end of the semester to take your make-up class.

Please notify instructor in writing about your faith based Religious Observances by THE SECOND WEEK OF THE SEMESTER. Religious Observances will not be counted as absences if you notify instructor IN ADVANCE. 


The Dance Department requires 80% participation in order to receive credit for a technique course. Students must physically participate in 22 class meetings in order to receive credit for the course. Observation does not count toward this 80%. You are asked to be fully prepared to start class on time, and to participate until the end of the class period. If you arrive after the opening exercise has started, please wait until the instructor recognizes you before joining the class.  It is your responsibility to notify the instructor of your arrival at the end of class to be marked from an absent to tardy. Entering the studio five minutes after class has begun constitutes a late arrival.  If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, please sit down and observe. Arriving more than 10 minutes late or leaving more than 10 minutes early will count as 1/2 absence.  Do not leave the studio for any reason without notifying the instructor first.  If you do, you may not be allowed back in and will be marked as not participating for the class.

Your Participation grade is based on the following scale: 

(5 points in each category for a total of 25 points at midterm and 25 points at the conclusion of the semester)

  • Focus/Mental Presence
  • Effort/Energy
  • Technical Abilities
  • Performance Abilities
  • Overall Improvement/Maintaining Corrections 

Class Conduct:

Please be respectful of your fellow classmates, the instructor, and our art by being attentive and following studio etiquette at all times during class.  I encourage you to ask relevant questions during class, but I expect a high level of focus, and will not tolerate excessive chatting, socializing, or other distracting behavior. Eliminate preconceptions and enter into the learning process with an open mind.  For your own safety and enjoyment of this class, no eating or gum-chewing is allowed in the studio. (You are welcome to bring a non-glass water bottle.) Please turn off all cellular phones and other electronic devices during class. Should there be a reason you need to have your cell phone available to you during class, please let me know before we begin.

Class Attire:

To enhance your understanding of the functional and aesthetic elements of contemporary dance technique, and to ensure safety for you and everyone in the class, please wear stretchy, form-fitted clothing.  Baggy t-shirts or pants, jeans, short shorts, and hats are not acceptable. Long hair must be secured away from your face and neck. Please remove ALL loose jewelry before class.  You will be expected to dance with bare feet; “paws” / “foot undies” are permitted.  No socks are allowed!


Carolina Dancewear

1627 New Garden Rd.

Greensboro, NC 27410




Please see me if you have concerns regarding any of the guidelines for attire. After the second week of class you will be marked non-participatory and asked to sit out if you do not follow the dress code.


MSTR: March 6-7 9:30-1pm

Spring Break: March 11th and 13th  NO CLASS

Approved Dance Concert Calendar:

January 16th, Friday 8pm - Aycock Auditorium - SITI Company - University Performing Arts Series

February 6th & 7th, Friday and Saturday 8pm - Dance Theatre - Dance Faculty & Guests: An Evening of Dance

February 19th & 21st, Thursday 8pm, Saturday 2pm - Dance Theatre - MFA Thesis Concert: Linhyuan Zhao

February 20th & 21st, Friday and Saturday 8pm - Dance Theatre - MFA Thesis Concert: Courtney Patterson

February 26th, 27th, 28th, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 8pm - Dance Theatre - MFA Thesis Concert: Emily Aiken

March 20th & 21st, Friday and Saturday 8pm - Dance Theatre - MFA Thesis Event: Raina Cephas & Stephany Rayburn

March 22nd, Sunday 2pm - Weatherspoon Art Museum - Greensboro Dance Film Festival (This Concert/Festival is acceptable ONLY for Extra Credit. It will NOT count as one of the 2 required Concerts Essays.)

March 27th & 28th, Friday 8pm, Saturday 2pm & 8pm - 1316 Oakland Ave, Greensboro, NC. - MFA Thesis Concert: Michael Lee

April 10th & 11th, Friday and Saturday 8pm - Dance Building - MFA Thesis Concert: Danielle Kinne

April 17th & 18th, Friday 8pm, Saturday 2pm & 8pm - Dance Theatre - Spring Dances

Promissory Note

I __________________________ have read the syllabus to the fullest and agree to inform my instructor Michael D. Lee of any concerns, questions. I will show up to class and abide by the dress code. I understand attendance policy and will accept any consequences for not following it. I will respect the space, myself and others while engaged in this course.


Printed Name


 Signed Name



This Sheet is due no later than Wednesday January 21st 2014 at 5pm. Points will be deducted if not turned in on-time.