Michael D. Lee in Color Shade #4, a piece in the M.F.A. Concert Inbalanced Inversion.
This work contains adult content, harsh language, and other viewpoints to convey dance choreography that expressed the feeling of 1 MFA Grad Student at the time. Due to artistic integrity, the work will not be removed, but I do acknowledge the problems of using this type of language in the work, and strive to make amends. - Michael D. Lee 2020
When: Friday March 27th: 8pm. Saturday March 28th: 2pm & 8pm Where: 1316 Oakland Ave. Greensboro, NC, 27403 Please Park on Oakland. Price: Free With Limited Seating
What: Michael D. Lee's M.F.A. Thesis Inbalanced/Inversion, an evening length dance concert*, explores their own journey as a queer individual in relationship to the Queer Movement and it's history. This concert travel's through many different era's of experience from the 1930's where people who were LGBT suffered from Inversion and were often given harsh medical treatments to help "cure" these individuals, to the current era where Same-Sex Marriage is legal in some countries and some states in the U.S.A. Hitting on many different experiences, this concert also addresses identities that Michael D. Lee (Choreographer) can and cannot personally identify with. He discovers his connections to humanity and how the individual can be considered beautiful without conforming.
*Contains Adult Material