Michael D. Lee

Post-Graduate Choreography Works

Last Meditation (Dec 2018). Shawl-Anderson Winter Salon.
I was given the prompt of mummification as part of The Drove V’s performance series. I was inspired by the things, ideas, stories we leave behind before we pass on. Reworked in new space.

Last Meditation (Nov 2018). The Drove V.
I was given the prompt of mummification as part of The Drove V’s performance series. I was inspired by the things, ideas, stories we leave behind before we pass on.

Red Statues at Midnight (Oct 2018). SAFEhouse Arts – Lead Artist.
With the idea of the roles we put on for ourselves and others, Red Statues at Midnight takes statues that have come alive at night.

Epitome of Touch (Jul 2018). SAFEhouse Arts – Summer Performance Festival 11.
Based off my experience of being Sexually Assaulted, this piece is works to rediscover my choreography.

Reclaiming (2017). Joe Goode Performance Groups' The Feedback.
A piece based on reclaiming a derogatory word.

Into the Dark (Oct 2017) West Wave Dance Festival 26 through SAFEhouse Arts.
How do we face our fears? Do you freeze, flee, fight? How do we help one another conquer our fears? All of this and more is explored in Into the Dark.

Protrusion IV (Aug 2016). SAFEhouse Arts – RAW.
Inspired by my experience of being rejected from donating blood for my sexuality.

Protrusion I, II & III (2015). Video work only.
Inspired by Butoh, Michael D. Lee choreographed Protrusion I, II & III on the aesthetic of light coming from within.

M.F.A. Thesis Concert: Inbalanced Inversion (2015) 

Including Définition de L’espace, Reclaiming (2013), Colour Shade #4Revisiting, He/She/Ze, Career QueerTo Be, and Aesthetic.   


Kristin Larson Fund - M.F.A. Thesis Funding. Spring 2015.

Women and Gender Studies Special Projects Cone Award - M.F.A. Thesis Funding. Spring 2015.

Summer Assistantship through UNCG - Jump Rhythm Jazz Company Intensive. Summer 2014.

Performing : Stage/Theatre: 

Graduate Degree:

Unknown Known (2015) - University of North Carolina at Greensboro - (UNCG) - Danielle Kinne (MFA Thesis)

Textures of There (2014) - UNCG - Caroline Althof (MFA Thesis)

Acquiring Dawn (2014) - UNCG & ACDFA & Kennedy Center - Renay Aumiller

Transform Reform Perform (2013) - UNCG - Elisa Foshay (MFA Thesis)

I Thought you think I might (Rescue) (2013) - UNCG - Elizabeth Johnson

Everything Hits at Once (2013) - UNCG - Danielle Kinne & Michael D. Lee    

Undergraduate Degree:            

Title:  - Place: - Choreographer:

Chasing Space (2011) - Bowling Green State University. (BGSU) - Samantha Basting 

Atropos (2011) - BGSU - Tammy Metz Starr

Throng (2011) - BGSU - Lois Snavely

Throng (2011) - Ohio Dance Festival - Lois Snavely

Yield to Pedestrians (2011) - BGSU - Nikki Makley

Five Rivers (2011) - BGSU - Timothy Barker

Untitled #1(2011) (Improv.) - Urban Nu-sense BGSU - Michael Lee

We are all made out of stars (2010) - BGSU - Lois Snavely

A Narnian Fantasy (2010) -  Ballet Theatre of Toledo (BTT) - Nigel Burgoine

Broken Sky (2009) - BGSU - Kari Kennidy

Viva La Vida (2009) - BGSU - McKenzie Brockman

Rhythm (2009) - BGSU - Colleen Murphy 

Nutcracker (2009) - BTT - Nigel Burgoine

High School Experience:

Carousal, Rainbow ’round my shoulders, Don Quixote, Milonga, Dzjamawon: Dance West @ Arts and Communications Magnet Academy (ACMA) (2008). Nation High School Dance Festival (2008).


M.F.A.: The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Master’s of Fine Arts in Dance Choreography Graduation Date May 2015. University GPA: 3.95            

B.S: Bowling Green State University. Dance Major, Bachelor of Science. Graduation Date May 2012. University GPA: 3.91 Major GPA: 3.95


DCE 101- Introduction to Dance (Non-Majors) 3 credits. 40 Students.  Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015.

A three credit class designed for general university students seeking a studio experience course in dance that fulfills General Education Core (GEC) requirements in the Fine Arts. It is an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of modern/post-modern dance through readings, studio experiences, discussions, written work, and concert attendance. As the instructor I lead them through four major sections, first technique, where we explore as many techniques bring outside artists in fields I can’t teach. Second, improvisation where prompts and games are given and the students make their own piece inspired by those. Third, repertory is given in the form of learning the history of modern dance and create a piece in the style of one of the great artists. Fourth, choreography is created through the students open-ended learning of the entire semester.

DCE 111 - Introduction to Contemporary Dance (Non-majors) 1 credit. 40 Students.  Spring 2014, Spring 2015. 

A one credit hour course designed for non-dance majors to work on the beginning level of development of technical skills in contemporary dance, including rhythmic perception and spatial awareness, with emphasis on aesthetic and expressive qualities that lead to performance.     Focusing on alignment, developmental patterns and initiation I work with all levels to learn or relearn the basics (designed for the progression within the department).

DCE 112 - Contemporary Dance 1 (Majors) 1 credit. (Under Janet Lilly). 25 Students.  Fall 2014.

A one credit hour course designed for dance majors for the development of technical skills in contemporary dance, including rhythmic perceptions and spatial awareness, with emphasis on aesthetic and expressive qualities that lead to performance. With emphasis on rehearsal directing and setting up the performance opportunities of the class, I work underneath Janet Lilly to support the class to her design. Working specifically within four class periods, I focused my time with the students with rhythm and the performance quality of movement within the face and eyes.

DCE 200 - Dance Appreciation (Non-Majors) 3 credits. (Anne Morris Head Instructor). 120 Students. Fall 2013.

A three credit class designed for general university students desiring General Education Core Fine Arts and Global Maker credit course. This course is writing intensive. A half lecture, half studio experience this class explores many different cultures and the relationship between the cultures values and how it relates to the movement. I lead the lecture hall (120 students) in the discussion of Dance on Camera, and lead my section every second meeting date during the week.  

Teaching Assistant:

DCE 117 - Movement as a Medium (Majors/Pre-majors) 3 credits. (Under Robin Gee). 30 Students. Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013

A three credit course designed for first year major and pre-major students in Dance. This course is designed to prepare entering first year students to meet the demands and challenges if the university experience and to help acclimate them to the departmental community. Students will also develop basic dance performance, choreography, dance writing and critical thinking skills. I specifically lead the Dance-Theatre lecture focusing on Pina Bausch as a starting point, I also lead all of the in-body experiences and warm-up exercises.

DCE 305 - Dance History II (Majors) 3 credits. (Under Larry Lavender). 20 Students. Fall 2012.

A three credit course designed for dance majors. Focusing on western dance history after the 1900’s, this course was discussion based. I assisted Larry with the grading, reading and participated in the class, I also lead the discussion on Merce Cunningham and the relationship he had with his many collaborators including John Cage. 

Teaching Practicum:

DCE 217 - Dance Improvisation (Under Duane Cyrus). 30 Students. Spring 2014

A one credit course  designed for dance majors. This course is guided exploration in the elements of dance for the creative development of personal movement repertoire, spontaneous group interaction, and choreographic and movement observation skills. Focusing within viewpoints when I taught I focused on duration, gestures and emotion.

DCE 650 - Dance Design Practicum (Under Mitch Fore). Spring 2014

A three credit course designed for graduate students. I studied and lighted two pieces with free reign. I had to learn how to refocus, position, and work with the choreographers.

DCE 253 - Choreography I: Craft (Under Justin Tornow). 15 Students. Fall 2014

A three credit course designed for dance majors. This course is the study of the elements of time, space and design as they are artistically significant in dance. Within my own teaching section I focused on Rhythm, Timing, and Music. 


Archives - (2014)

Managing the video archives, converting VHS material’s to DVD’s and circulation of archive materials are the main task of the Archives.     While there I also assisted in converting Slides into an electronic file, organizing space and making our circulation an electric task not just a paper task.

University Performing Arts Series Committee - (2012, 2014)

A committee consisting of two students and multiple faculty members, we vote on which companies, person’s to bring for the community of Greensboro. During my first year of this committee we brought the company Doug Elkin’s which was my suggestion. 

Box Office - (2013, 2014)

The main job at the box office was selling tickets for the shows, we worked with Provenue and Brown Paper Tickets. I am now familiar with both.

ACDFA Graduate Student Host - (2013) - Mid-Atlantic

During the 2013 non-gala American College Dance Festival (ACDFA) year I was in charge of all events that were happening on the university. I was to make sure all locations had everything they needed and were supplied with first aid. I also was collected for input on a series called Dance for the Camera, Amy Smith and I were the curators of these events and we chose the finalist for this series.

Research Assistant for Cynthia Ling Lee - (2013)    

For Cynthia Ling Lee, a new faculty member I was a research assistant. I mainly covered her improvisation class while she was at conferences. I taught with Danielle Kinne on the many aspects of improvisation, and how to go about starting scores when we taught.

Technical Director Assistant - (2012, 2013)

 Under the supervision of Mitch Fore, I worked mainly in our Black Box theatre on campus: refocusing lights, writing cues, building sets, working with choreographers. Continuing this experience through a Practicum, I really dove into learning how to light works within our Department.

Production Work:

Prime Movers (Fall 2013) - UNCG - Lighting Designer

Footfalls (Fall 2011) - BGSU - Lighting Designer/Technician (LD/T)

UDA (Spring 2011) - BGSU - LD/T

Footlights (Spring 2011) - BGSU - LD/T

Footfalls (Fall 2010) - BGSU - LD/T

UDA (Fall 2010) - BGSU - LD/T

University Dance Alliance (Spring 2009) - BGSU - LD/T


Contemporary: UNCG - Janet Lilly (2015); UNCG - Elizabeth Johnson (2014); UNCG - B. J. Sullivan (2014)

Modern: BGSU - Tammy Metz Starr (2010-2012); BGSU - Colleen Murphy / Deborah Tell (2008-2012); ACMA - Les Watanabe (2005-2008)

Kathak: UNCG - Cynthia Ling Lee (2014-2015)

Ballet: UNCG - Stephany Rayburn (TA) (2014); BTT - Nigel Burgoine (2011); BGSU - Colleen Murphy (2010); Oregon Ballet Theatre - Tracey Katona (2008); ACMA - Jason Davis / Patti Jones (2005-2008)

Tap: BGSU - Colleen Murphy (2008-2012); ACMA - Julane Stites / Terry Brock (2005-2008)

Jazz: BGSU - Colleen Murphy (2008-2011); ACMA - Felice Moskowitz (2005-2008)          

Stage Make-up: BGSU - Margaret McCubbin (2012)

Acting Technique: ACMA - David Sikking (2008)

Master Classes:

Alvin Ailey (2008), American College Dance Festival Association (ACDFA) (2009), Hubbard Street (2010) ACDFA (2012).

Taught at George Mason ACDFA - Working with Rhythms (2014), Contemporary Inspired Gestural Technique (2014).  

Taught at Towson ACDA - Contemporary/Modern Technique (2015). Gestural Technique (2015).


Jump Rhythm Jazz Project. Summer 2014. Artistic Director: Billy Siegenfeld. Email: info@jrjp.org

Joe Goode Workshop. Summer 2011. Artistic Director : Joe Goode. San Francisco, California.  Email : info@joegoode.org 


Mam-Luft Co & Dance. Summer 2011. Artistic Director : Jeanne Mam-Luft. Cincinnati, Ohio.                                            Email: dance@mamluftcodance.org                                                                                                    

Choreography Undergraduate and High School:

Pure Blue (BGSU 2009), Identity Assurance (BGSU 2010), Human Connection (BGSU 2010), With the white glow…(BGSU 2010), Unmaintianing (BGSU 2011), Woman with the Yellow Scarf (2011/12 Performed twice once at BGSU and one at ACDFA).

Published Work:

Reclaiming (2013) in Elsewhere online magazine.


Reclaiming (2013) Mid-Atlantic ACDFA 2014 Informal

Woman with the Yellow Scarf (2012) ACDFA 2012 Informal

Special Abilities:

Dance Photography/Videography, Costuming (design/sewing), Painting, Drawing, Lighting (design/setup/show), and Costume Make-up, Class Teaching, Final-cut/i-movie/i-dvd experience.

Special Projects:

Arts Village Leader / Mentor (2008-2012), Village Voices (Performances for the community 2008), Collaboration Improv. for Arts Extravaganza (2010-2011), Sight Specific Improv. for Wolfe center Groundbreaking (2010), Stitch and Bitch Leader (2008-2012), 50‘s Dance Instructional Video (2012), Improv. performance for Music student recital (2012).

Service Learning Trips:

South Bronx Trip (2010 & 2011), Navajo Nation Trip (Summer 2010).


Improv. & Body Language for the Common Good Community Center. Bowling Green, OH. Sep-Dec 2010. 

Email: http://www.thecommongoodbg.moonfruit.com/



Janet Lilly (Chair of Dance Department at UNCG): j_lilly@uncg.edu

Cynthia Ling Lee (Advisor): cllee4@uncg.edu 

Mila Parrish (Instructor): mlparri4@uncg.edu


Susannah Cleveland (Head Music Librarian / Boss) :  clevels@bgsu.edu

Jeanne Mam-Luft (Mentor for Internship) :  dance@mamluftcodance.org


Tammy Metz Starr (Teacher) :  tammyan@bgsu.edu

Colleen Murphy (Teacher) :  cmuprhy@bgsu.edu 

Deborah Tell (Teacher) :  dtell@bgsu.edu 

Lois Snavely (Dancer / Choreographer / Friend) :   loiss@bgsu.edu

Gordon Ricketts (Arts Village Director) :  gordonr@bgsu.edu